Tonight was a grand dinner with family. We had a fresh greens with mushrooms and strawberries to start with mango vinaigrette. The Bastilla was a great success. My Father-in-law had two servings.
The first time I learned how to make Bastilla was in Oklahoma during Ramadan; a group of us got together to learn how to make it. I unfortunately didn't get to finish making the finished product because my daughter decided to eat a bunch of Sudefed and ended up in the ER.
Every since that night I have wanted to make this dish again. For years I would think of that night and the mixture of flavors and textures that are so unique this traditional Moroccan dish.
I love the savory taste of the chicken, with onion; the different textures between the eggs and the sweet nuttiness of the almonds and sugar.
In my version of Bastilla I leave off the dusting of the powdered sugar, because for me it makes the dish just too sweet. I also put a little touch of Rene here and there with my own secret ingredients.
I just had a thought that for a dinner party I would make these into individual Bastillas